
Web Analytics to measure and improve the performance of your tourism website

Web analytics for measurement and improvement

Analytics provide the hard figures on which you’ll base your decisions and strategies. Our Web analytics tools will turn the raw data from your Web server into reports that tell you how well your website is doing its sales job.

They'll tell you:

  • how many visitors you're getting
  • devices they used - desktops, smartphones, tablets
  • distribution of ages and sexes
  • how often they came
  • where they came from - country, state, city, referring sites
  • when they came
  • what pages they landed on
  • bounce rate of every page
  • loading time of every page
  • numbers of pages viewed
  • how long they stayed
  • pages from which they left
  • if traffic on your site is growing or not, and if so at what rate.

This kind of information allows us to make campaign changes based on hard facts and figures, and track the results.

Conversion rate is THE most important metric, and there are many places in a site where conversion can fail. You need to be able to tell where that's happening and take corrective action. A standard set of measurements that can be tracked over time allows us to determine the impact of every change. Your Return On Investment will only improve if the metrics are used correctly.

Simply having numbers is not enough. Analytics tools and all the data they produce are only as useful as the questions they answer. We'll take those statistics, ask the right questions, and give you the answers you need.

30 days 100% money back guarantee

Risk-free 30-day trial: if after one month you're not totally satisfied, we’ll return all fees you’ve paid to us.

David H. Boggs

Or, if you have questions about Web Analytics that we haven't answered:
Please use the form below to send them to me, and I'll get back to you shortly. Please complete all 3 form fields - thanks!  - David


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Blog Posts About Web Analytics by David H. Boggs

New/improved Google PageSpeed Insights includes Performance Score, real-world Field Data, Lab Data

Google Analytics to report Google Images data separately

How to take full advantage of Google Analytics Site Speed metrics to improve mobile search ranking

How to integrate Google Analytics data into AdWords reports

Google Analytics to report Google Images data separately

Web Analytics Resources

Web analytics by Wikipedia
Extensive explanation of web analytics process, terms, methods, with references and bibliography

Web Analytics 101 by Avinash Kaushik
Definitions and explanations of web analytics terms (Goals, Metrics, KPIs, Dimensions, Targets) by Google Digital Marketing Evangelist Avinash Kaushik

Web Analytics Analysis: How to Find Business Growth Opportunities by CXL Institute
Marketing-oriented applications of web analytics, withy examples

Web Analytics Tutorial by TutorialsPoint
Tutorial covers Google Analytics and other tools, metrics, data sources, segmentation, A/B testing

Web Analytics Overview by ResearchGate
Technical article published in the Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology

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 ACRO Global
    Boothbay Harbor, Maine 04538

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